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pH- Server Rules


1. Be Honorable

    Act with honor in all facets of our community.  This includes, but isn’t  limited to, how we relate with one another in the discord and how we play together as a team.


2. Be a Rational Team Player​

    If playing with team members, remember the game is less about YOU and more about the team.  Your actions and words in the game should demonstrate this directive.


3.Be Supportive 

    Show courage and heart for your teammates.  Do NOT “troll” your teammates.  Trolling is defined as any type of behavior, mockery, or words that are designed to annoy, frustrate, or belittle a teammate.  “Trolling” is at the discretion of the server moderator.


​4. No political posts, gifs, or songs of any kind


5. Rank is determined by, Server Activity, Participation, and Teamwork

     If you desire to become a Pro Hitman, refer to the:

     “Path to proHitmen” document in Discord.


6.pH- Tags are earned… not given​

      We are looking for men and women who display the characteristics and demeanor that has built up our community since 2018.


7. Maintain Peace; Show Respect for other communities.

​     Refrain from insulting or bad-mouthing other communities.  As a pH- member, you represent us.  Carry that close and respect the Tags.


8.Observe mic silence when joining Voice Chat​ 

    Refrain from speaking until they are no longer engaged


9.Do NOT move players in and out of channels without their consent


10.Teaming is NOT          allowed and violates PUBG terms of service.  

     This includes (but isn’t limited to) open communications between two separate teams.


Golden Rule: Treat one another as you would want to be treated.  Racism, discrimination, homophobia, and slurs will not be tolerated!


Violation of any Discord Policies or pH- Server rules will lead to punitive actions IAW our Admin Protocol Procedures. 

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